Implementation Process

The development platform GAM is the only one environment that supports not only the development of the application but also speeds up the implementation process.

  1. Specialised development tools (the system should be based on its own development environment – a platform that is designed for one type of the application, an application capable of processing all of the company’s logistics)
  2. The simplicity of the tool (modifications can be entered by implementing consultants)
  3. Versatility and integrity (complete development environment – one tool for implementing a consultant and one for a developer)
  4. Flexibility (a platform with its own 4GL and complier)
  5. Openness and integration (the platform open to standards)
  6. A practical approach (a platform that incorporates tools that support the implementation process)

The division of the implementation process into an individual, logically arranged stages and a clear division of supplier and customer responsibility for specific tasks and deadlines, is the main characteristic of Gardens implementation methodology based on the V-model.
The methodology demonstrates the relationships between each phase of the development life cycle and its associated phase of testing. The purpose of this methodology is to define the control points of implementation and quality control measures as guidelines for the efficient management of the implementation. Documentation comply with standards (FRD analysis, GAP / FIT).
Implementing various projects, we consciously use mixed implementation methodologies, which correspond to the reality of a project and are adapted to its characteristics and specifics of implementation. We use the known and proven techniques, such as Scrum, in which we create a list of user requirements, determine priorities and prepare prototypes for each stage of the project.
During the implementation of each project, we focus on direct communication with the Client so as to improve the flow of information between dedicated team of consultants and business experts, and project team appointed by Client.