Gardens Application Model

Garden – a basic component of the application architecture

For the theoretical model of the IDE architecture, the following structure was assumed:


TDS (Data Schema Tree)
DS (Data Schema) is a primary structure of the Gardens system. Unlike a table, it is a hierarchical structure. It means that it may contain DS fields.

It is sufficient to provide a sample definition for Gardens. The system implements such definitions in a data base automatically. Field types may be defined based on system types such as Decimal, Text, Boolean, Date, etc. or they can be CT (Custom Types).

CT (Custom Types). User-defined types are the main asset of Gardens. They may contain information on field links and lengths, their name classification as well as many design support features for building the GUI. For example, in order to change the length of the Vendor Description field, you can enter a modification in one place of the system to change all other fields related to the field of this type.

CONNS (Connections). Each branch of the Data Scheme can be assigned a different link (e.g. Vendor table data may be contained in an MS SQL database, whereas Transaction table data in an ORACLE database, and Transaction Details in a MySql database). At any moment, you can open a DS with a required Link. The Garden application may be stored in a database different from the base where data is kept, and data may be dispersed within the system.

OT (Objects Tree) is a repository of application objects. Generally, there are three object classes: windows, reports (user interfaces) and function packages (logics). The package is a code unit of the QLX language and it contains a function group (methods) and global variables (fields). Functions have their parameters, local variables and can return values.

WIZARDS – in the project, it is a data group used to generate report and window objects automatically based on definable templates).

RESOURCES – a repository of icon and graphic resources.

The Garden is a coherent application repository that incorporates a data structure defines in the Data Scheme Tree (TDS), in defined Custom Data Types (CT) and defined Links (CONNS). Gardens can be freely linked with one another using Links.
The definition of Link is an equivalent of another garden that can be stored as a whole in a data base, file catalogue or on the application server.

Optimised IDE – How to optimise the application development environment?

The above graphs show that it is necessary to find an optimal solution in order to achieve the lowest possible time-consumption of building and developing an application and to maintain its numerous usage possibilities.

Such an optimal point can be found for a specialised tool. If this tool is designed exclusively for specific use, time-consumption can be reduced and efficiency can be increased. Therefore, the GAM environment offers an optimal solution.