About Us

Gardens-Software provides ERP software solutions as well as creates and develops modern, specialist integrated development environment (IDE) incorporated in its ERP system. 

All dynamically growing organisations require not only functional software for process management, but also a platform that provides a basis to develop software functionality dynamically as the company grows. Therefore, we have invented our new high-level programming language, created a complier and specialist, completely integrated and optimised application development environment for ERP system implementation. Our aim was to streamline processes while implementing, customising and developing software solutions in companies.

We deliver implementation projects and are building a countrywide partner network in Poland. The primary mission of Gardens-Software is to promote the awareness that the ERP system market is divided into two categories of unmodifiable, out-of-the box applications and ERP platforms. A modern ERP system is a development platform that requires implementation methodology based on the objective of innovative company reorganisation.






DS:_ASXML - Metoda zwraca strukturę oraz zawartość danych DS w postaci XML. W zależności od parametru XML zawiera jeden lub wiele poziomów DS.

Pola binarne typu BLOB są zapisywane w postaci heksagonalnej gdzie każdemu bajtowi odpowiadają dwa znaki ASCI.

Pola typu Date są zapisywane w postaci 'Dyyyymmdd hhmmss' np: 'D20010101 083000' co odpowiada dacie:

2001-01-01 g.8:00:00.


Pola typu Decimal są konwertowane do tekstu zgodnie z ustawieniami regionalnymi systemu Windows.



_ASXML ([subds_class]) : Text

subds_class -

0 - XML wynikowy zawierał będzie wszystkie podgałęzie subds

1 - XML wynikowy zawierał będzie tylko DS najwyższego poziomu bez podgałęzi subds,

2 - XML wynikowy zawierał będzie tylko podgałęzie subds w tej samej klasie tabel co główny DS






// all tables Customer DS



// only Customer table



// only Customer dictionary tables



//1 node is <Customer__recid>1<Field1>val1</Field1><Field2>val2</Field2>....</Customer__recid>